Sunday 13 July 2014

An Open Letter to Edge Business School

Dear Peter (and Roelien),

Allow me to take this opportunity to firstly thank you for starting Edge Business School (students Gauteng wide are forever in your debt), and secondly commend you on the absolutely amazing lecturers that you have working for you.

I am not a former FLB student, so unfortunately I have not been exposed to the brilliance that is instilled in Steven, Charles and Nizaam, but I can safely say that Roelien is by far the best lecturer I have ever had the pleasure of being taught by.

After struggling with FAC3704 for almost six semesters (yes, I should have a degree in Groups alone), I was despondent and almost ready to throw in the towel. I had seen the word “failed” on exam results letters more times than I could bear, and it had severely affected my self-confidence. I felt stupid and useless. Group Financial Reporting may not be the most difficult subject, but I had a mental block on it. It was my nemesis and that together with the fact that my pride prevented me from asking for help, resulted in the same outcome every semester.

In 2013 UNISA granted me the concession to register for CTA level 1 provided I pass the one outstanding module during the May/June sitting. The fact that I am writing this letter now shows that I failed yet again, and hence my CTA registration was cancelled. Sadder still was the realisation that I actually had exam admission after writing the Saturday tests. Semester one of 2014 was my absolute last shot at the module. I was approaching UNISA’s eight year time limit to complete a bachelor’s degree, and I daren’t total how much money I’d paid UNISA over those six semesters.

Shelley (Tony Cianfanelli’s wife) recommended I register with Edge, after meeting her in January. At the time I was in the job market, and met with Shelley in her professional capacity as a recruitment agent. It was a life changing suggestion, and I am eternally grateful to Shelley for adjusting my academic career.

Enter Roelien.

I don’t know where to start other than mentioning the fact that she literally saved my life. Roelien showed me there was light at the end of the tunnel, and my attitude towards the subject has done a complete 180 degree shift. Her passion for Groups is clearly visible, and contagious. I admire her for standing at the podium for a minimum of 9 hours per day, giving her all and then some, even when she was ill or in pain. The love Roelien has for her students is heart-warming, and she will go to the ends of the Earth for them/us. She gave us a part of herself, and was our mom between 8 and 5 each week. She was concerned about each student’s welfare, forsaking her own when we needed her. 

Roelien’s lectures are never boring, and always a delight to experience. She is fiercely intelligent, but manages to break the syllabus down into pieces we can all understand and relate to. This is a very rare quality, and one that deserves the utmost respect.

Roelien – thank you so so so much for everything you have done for me this past semester. I passed 3704 this semester and without you this would not have been possible. You are a rock star, hero and legend all rolled into one petite package and I am going to miss you and your lectures so much.

Peter and all the staff/lecturers at Edge – keep on keeping on. You are providing students with the tools to succeed and impacting their futures. Empowerment through education.

It’s not goodbye so much as “see you later” as I will be returning to EBS to complete my CTA next year.
A million thanks and very best wishes for the future.

Simone Gorven
(now a Bachelor of Accounting Science)

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