Friday 3 January 2014

Happy New Year!

Allow me to take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy new year. May 2014 be filled with love, happiness, and be YOUR year. 

2013 and its troubles are in the past, so you now have a full, blank year (well 362 days more like) ahead to mould and shape into your personal preferences.

Have you made any new years resolutions? Most of the time people do not carry out their resolutions, for many a reason - be it lack of interest, or any other valid point.

Perhaps the term "new years resolution" is also partly to blame. What happens when you only commence an item on your list in say June. Is it then called a mid year resolution? Does that fact alone render the item invalid?

I prefer to call them goals. Essentially, that is what they are. A person wants to lose weight, or take up a new hobby, learn a foreign language, work hard in order to be promoted or complete the current degree/diploma. A goal just sounds so much better too. It inspires motivation, and the feeling of accomplishing that goal is empowering.

I listed my goals in my last post, and although it has been said that making a list puts things into perspective for a person, it isn't guaranteed to be less daunting. True, knowing what you need to do is half the battle won, but actually carrying out the act may be easier said than done.

2013 was not my best year by any stretch of the imagination (and all my own doing and I accept responsibility for that), but I vowed to turn 2014 into something I could feel proud of. Lately I've felt to be in limbo. 


Maybe it's because the job hunt hasn't quite yielded the results I intended it to. I have lost my sense of worth just sitting at home and feel an employment contract will reignite my passion for life. There are so many things I want to see and do, but require that monthly paycheck in order to begin. Quite possibly, my expectations have been too high. Seriously, some people wait months to find their ideal job and I've only been actively looking for a couple of weeks. I have forwarded my CV to some recruitment agents and am holding thumbs for some interviews later this month, once everything has returned to normal following the festive season. In the meantime I will maintain my positive outlook and the trust the right job is out there waiting for me. 

All the best for 2014, readers. Spend time with those you love, and challenge yourself to do something you fear - it's all about the happiness factor and personal growth.

On a very happy note, last night our friends Carey-Anne & Ryan welcomed their little girl into the world. Congratulations Mom & Dad de Goede, may your daughter bring you much happiness and joy!

Until next time.

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