Saturday 28 June 2014

Five Unspoken Office Rules

The workplace. A challenging environment on a good day, so we rely expect our colleagues to exercise compassion and good manners towards us. Right?

Yes in theory, but not in practice.

Here are my five unspoken (but assumed known) office rules:

1) Do NOT, ever, lick your pointer finger and then page through a stack of paperwork. It is not only unhygienic, but the sight of the excess moisture in the corner of some important document is just plain gross. Use a thimble if necessary.

2) Please don't come and find me while I'm on lunch to ask me a question that is not nearly important enough to warrant the interruption. Whatever it is can wait 20 minutes. If I take a desk lunch then you're welcome to ask me if I sent such and such email - then and only then.

3) Please do not leave the kettle empty after making your hot beverage of choice. Remember your manners and fill it for the next person. I can guarantee this will reduce office tension by 10%.

4) Copy colleagues into email responses sparingly. We don't judge how hard you work on the volume of emails you send during a day. Your mailbox is allowed to keep some secrets.

5) Smile. Ask colleagues how they are. By the same token, recognize when a coworker is rushing to meet a deadline and save the small talk for a more convenient time.

Have I missed anything?

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