Monday 3 March 2014

The Job Hunt is Not for Sissies - but it's OVER!

7 Interviews,
5 recruitment agencies,
3 tanks of petrol,
2 calendar months,
1 box of tranquilizers, and
Countless competency tests and explaining myself to so many different individuals later...



It has been quite a journey, one that definitely built character, but I am glad it is over nonetheless.

I started my new job as an accountant at a multi-national freight company today. I did not post this news until the signatures were on the dotted line (one never knows, anything may happen) but now that they are I am able to share the news. The office is situated a mere 13km from home, and with a professional environment and flexi hours, it is a match made in heaven.

The very first recruitment agent I met with secured the interview, which took place last Thursday. After a rather challenging interview comprising both Excel and Accounting competency tests as well as a personality assessment on top of the usual interview questions, and loads of competition, I felt that I would not get a call back. That afternoon my self esteem was at such a low, while doing my grocery shopping, I found an empty aisle in the store and proceeded to have a quick quiet cry! At home, I even went back on to PNet and applied to a few adverts. Imagine my surprise when the agent phoned a few hours later to say I had been selected for a second interview this time with the Financial Director. Nerves! I was elated. Low to high instantly. The second interview focused on interpersonal skills and how I would handle certain situations in the office. I answered to the best of my ability but when my interviewer's face didn't register any clues, doubt instantly set in again. Besides, they were still interviewing people and while I was waiting for my meeting, another applicant was undergoing the competency test! I told myself to hope for the best but expect the worst. Later that afternoon, the recruitment agent phoned with excellent news. I had been offered the job!

I am excited (but also nervous) to start this new chapter in my life. It has been a long time coming. And I can tick an item off my list of goals for 2014. Things are going great this year.

Thank you to everybody that supported me throughout the process, from letting me cry on your shoulders to forwarding my CV to your contacts to sending words of encouragement when I needed them most - it means more to me than I can put into words!

Oh, and thanks for keeping the economy going and paying your taxes whilst I was out of the workforce (haha).

Wishing you all a pleasant week.

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