Sunday 23 March 2014

Why I Love Birthdays

Birthday. That day of the year when the pendulum swings into the next year of our lives.

Some people don't like birthdays and will go to extreme measures to downplay the occasion. Whether this is due to not wanting to accept the fact that they are getting older, or don't like being in the spotlight, the reason varies from person to person.

Personally I LOVE birthdays. Obviously the age bit is less than ideal, but the huge plus factor, in my opinion, is the celebration. Birthdays (and unfortunately funerals) are the two occasions that bring people together, and that quality time (birthdays only) is what I treasure. Having a casual braai at home (having a house full of people is one of my all time favorite things in life), or going out to a venue -  the 'what' isn't the operative word. Rather the 'who'. The pleasure of your friends and family's company.

We don't celebrate enough. We get wrapped up - or tunnel visioned - in our lives and stress over many facets of our existence (finances and work to name but a few), that we actually forget that life is passing us by. We'll never get those days back, and one day when we're watching the replay of our time on Earth, what will we regret? I'll regret the days spent worrying over matters I have no control over, instead of the time that I said yes to a friend's invitation. There's nothing more expensive than regrets, and that I truly believe.

It's not about being the center of attention either. Yes, you'll receive more calls and messages than any other day, but why not think of it as a compliment that so many people treasure you and want to wish you a happy birthday? Honestly, I think a lot of birthdays would go unacknowledged if it weren't for Facebook and it's daily reminders, however, the wisher still took the time to send the wishee (is that even a word?) a message.

What makes a good birthday? In addition to the advantages I've mentioned above, CAKE! If there's one day of the year (OK, Christmas makes two)  where it is absolutely imperative to stray from the diet it's a birthday. Eat, drink and be merry! Have your cake and eat it too. Life is too short not to.

Gifting. This is where the waters get murky. The average person cannot afford to buy every single friend a present. Sadly, in today's world, a 'decent' present (if buying a voucher or contributing cash) is considered approximately R300. Multiply that by the number of friends you would normally buy gifts for and it's rather expensive over a year. If there's one thing I hate it's being invited somewhere just to give a present. The host (possibly a friend of a friend of a friend) doesn't care for your presence, and you may only be acquaintances -  but you've been invited to their birthday party. Why? 

William and I have decided to only buy gifts for friends on landmark birthdays and special occasions (weddings, baby showers, etc)  as it is simply too expensive. By the same token, we do not want or expect gifts from friends on our birthdays. So friends -  if you're reading this, please don't be offended that we haven't bought you gifts, this is why. Age brings with it life lessons, and what was important 5 years ago is not up there on the list of priorities now. As a child I was always excited to open my birthday presents, the higher the number the better. As an adult my values have changed, and now gifts are the least important.

I make big deals out of birthdays. Celebrations would last a week if I had it my way. There's nothing better than showering your loved ones with love and attention, for no other reason to show them how much you mean to them. And yes, we should show this appreciation every day, it's that much more special on a birthday. I plan William's and my birthday parties a month in advance, and countdowns start at more or less the same time.

You're the oldest you've ever been, and youngest than you'll ever be again.

Powerful statement. Make the most out of life.

William is the most recent person in our family to celebrate a birthday. Here are some photographs taken today.

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