Thursday 22 May 2014

5 Things Thursday - Exams are Over & There's so Much to Look Forward to

So the exam of my life is over, and whilst I'm experiencing the elation that only a fellow student released from his/her academic duties can understand, I also feel worried. Extremely worried.

Did I do enough to pass? Last night I barely slept. Thoughts of items I'd forgotten to include, and mathematical errors I'd made constantly entered my mind. There's nothing I can do about it now, so while I hear you think aloud that I should put it to the recess of my consciousness (how badly I want to do that) - as much as I've told myself this and tried - it does not work. Doubt creeps in and the stress starts all over again.

The curse of a student.

To make matters worse, results will only be released in approximately six weeks.

In an attempt to be positive, last night I thought of all the wonderful things that I can do now that I have a break from studying. They are:

1) Having more than a one day weekend. Attending lectures at Edge Business School each Saturday from 8am - 5pm (on a conservative day - some weeks ran until 9pm) meant that I only had Sunday to do all my errands, grocery shopping, free time to see friends, etc. My mom was so helpful during these past three months, cooking dinners for us and doing my weekly shopping - thank you so much mom. Had I not been working the lack of weekend would not normally affect me, and it dawned on me how fortunate I was to have had that opportunity of free time last year.

2) Reading books and not my study guide. I love reading. Non-fiction crime thrillers are my favorite. Best author is James Patterson hands down. Diversity is the spice of life as they say, so I will be looking for new genres to read in the forthcoming six months. Any suggestions?

3) Spending more time with my friends. I only saw my friends a handful of times during this semester. I rarely visited for more than an hour or two, and due to chores associated with running a household, my chats over BBM were short, and more often than not ended in "I have to finish my assignment" or "I need to do my homework for Saturday's lecture". Thank you friends for being patient and supportive during this rather crazy time. I look forward to making up lost time with you in the coming weeks.

4) Now that I am earning my own money again, I want to see and do everything. Try new things. And spoil myself. Buy myself clothing or perfume or whatever catches my eye, and feel like I have well and truly earned it. 

5) My goal for the second half of the year is to challenge myself. Possibly take a photography course or learn a foreign language. Spanish and Italian have always appealed to me. Leaning towards Spanish as it is spoken in more countries worldwide. 

There is so much to look forward to because life is beautiful, and it feels like it has only just begun for me.

1 comment:

  1. read anything by Dean Koontz (my fav is Life Expectancy, or The Face) thank me later :-)
